Aunt Rose takes me into her arms and They call me Auntie because partner in crime makes me sound like a bad influence shirt. These are the times when I need my mother the most. I cried in her arms. Each tear drop comes with emotions and pain. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over the loss of my brother, my soulmate, my ride or die. My everything. It feels like a dream. I wish it was just a terrible nightmare that I could wake up from. I can’t lose my brother, who will take care of me, who will call me, ” Tumsa and princess” like he does. Who will hug me like he does. The world feels like its coming to an end for me, I feel like the clock has stopped ticking and my heart has stopped beating. I can’t live without him, I want God to take me too, I want to be with him.

Buy this shirt: They call me Auntie because partner in crime makes me sound like a bad influence shirt